Starter Plants (in Spring)

Welcome to the 2021 season. What a year last year was! While the end of the pandemic is in sight, we will still be taking appropriate precautions. Starter Plants are the first product of the year, although Fig Trees have been selling well right through the winter. More on that later.

You do not have to pro-order this year. We are all vaccinated and will be open for browsing over the Memorial Day weekend. If you can't make it Saturday or Sunday, please call or text me at 413-834-0143 to arrange a time for a visit.

Prices remain the same as last year, which are as follows:

4 inch single plants are $3.00 each or 6 for $15.00 (get outa here!)

Squashes (winter and summer) and Cucumbers are in 2 inch pots at $1.00 each.

Basil and Parsley etc. are in 2 inch pots at $1.00 each.

Fig trees are $25.00 for first year 1 gallon; $50.00 for second year 5 gallon and $75.00 for third year 10 gallon pot. 15 gallon pots are $100.00.

If you're thinking about a fig tree, I would act quickly. Go over to the Fig page for more details on figs. I've taken Fig Trees off the order form because it's changing to fast for me to update. Please email me directly to ask about a fig tree.

We have a wide variety of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, herbs, flowers, aliums and other mixed vegetables, as well as our fig trees for sale.

  • Summer Squash: Yellow Crookneck, Zucchini, Zyphry(Zuke/yellow cross), Yellow straight.
  • Cucumbers: slicing and pickling.
  • Basil, Parsley.
  • Winter Squash: Butternut, Acorn, Delicata, Kabocha, HoneyNut

Also available at:

Also here at our farm.

This years (2020) list of Tomato Varieties:

Variety Color Size Description
Anna Russian red 10 -16 oz. Farm favorite. Sweet, meaty, delicious.
Arkansas Traveler red 6 - 8 oz. Reliable producer of flavorful fruit.
Baker’s red 6 -12 oz. Oxheart type grown in Leyden for over 150 years!
Big Dwarf red 8 - 12 oz. Large delicious fruit from a 24” tall plant.
Black Cherry brown cherry Full size flavor in a cherry tomato.
Black from Tula brown 8 - 12 oz. Complex flavor typical of the Blacks.
Black Krim brown 10 -12 oz. Rich, sweet and salty flavor.
Black Prince mahogany 3 to 5 oz. Juicy fruit with rich flavor typical of black tomatoes.
Blush yellow/red cherry Elongated cherry type with sweet tomato flavor.
Brandy Sweet pink/red 2 - 3 oz. Sweet saladette type with Brandywine lineage.
Brandywine - Red pink/red 12 - 16 oz. Always great taste.
Brandywine, Yellow deep yellow 10 -12 oz. Full flavored yellow. Not low acid.
Ceylon red 2 - 3 oz. Cutest tomato?
Cherokee Purple rose brown 12 - 16 oz. Sweet tangy flavor.
Costoluto Genovese red 10 -12 oz. Pleated, Italian sauce type.
Dassatti red 6 - 10 oz. Wonderful sauce type from our friends in Deerfield Ma.
Eva Purple Ball red 2 inches Sweet and juicy. First prize at the fair.
Flammé orange 3 - 5 oz. Sweet, juicy, with red blush interior.
Garden Peach yellow 3 - 5 oz. My wife’s favorite breakfast tomato.
Giant Belgium pink/red 16 - 24 oz. Smooth skin and sweet delicious flavor.
Green Zebra green striped 3 - 5 oz. Sweet and tart.
Ground Cherry - Goldie yellow small Incredible tasting jewels in a papery husk.
Jersey Devil red 4 to 6 inches Meaty and sweet with few seeds.
Mexico Midget red cherry Tiny red cherry tomatoes bursting with flavor.
Paul Robeson brown 10 oz. If his voice was a tomato…
Persimmon orange 16 - 24 oz. Quite meaty with few seeds. Great flavor.
Pineapple bi-color 16 - 24 oz. Beautiful orange/yellow/red marbling. Fruity and sweet.
Pink Bumble Bee pink/red cherry Rich and extra sweet.
Pink Tiger pink/red elongated Great balance makes for a fine tomato.
Prudens Purple pink/red 10 - 16 oz. An early Brandywine.
Purple Bumblebee purple striped cherry Beautiful purple background with metalic green stripes.
Red Pear red cherry Classic heirloom cherry tomato.
Rose pink/red 10 - 16 oz. Cross of Brandywine and Rutgers. Best of both.
Rose de Berne red 6 - 8 oz. Farm favorite. Well balanced flavor. Reliable producer.
San Marzano red 3 1/2 inch Extra high solids.
Snow White pale yellow cherry Wonderful mouth feel.
Speckled Roman orange/red 6 - 8 oz. Beautiful striped fruit with excellent taste.
Striped German bi-color 16 - 24 oz. Beautiful orange/yellow/red marbling. Fruity and sweet.
SunGold orange cherry The best tasting tomato?
Sunrise Bumblebee yellow/red cherry Sweet and pretty bi-colored cherry tomato.
Sweet Chelsea red cherry Large cherry tomato with sweet flavor.
Trigrella Red /yellow 1 to 2 inches Rich, tangy salad tomato.
Valencia orange 8 - 10 oz. Sweet and tangy variety from Maine.

Peppers and Eggplants for 2020:

Variety Color Sweet/Hot Description


Giant Marconi green/red Sweet Large elongated bell.
Jimmy Nardello green/red Sweet Heirloom Italian roasting.
Orange Sun green/orange Sweet Thick walled bell.
Red Beauty green/red Sweet Thick walled bell.
Ancho San Luis green Hot Mild heat.
Fatali orange Hot Super hot.
Habanero Red red Hot Super hot.
Holy Molé green Hot Mild heat. Smoky flavor
Jalafuego green/red Hot Flash heat. Jalapeño.
Thick Cayenne red Hot Very pungent.
Thin Cayenne red Hot Very pungent. Easy drying.
Shishito green Sweet Popular frying pepper.


Nadia black Traditional Italian type. Best producer for the North.
Fengyuan Purple dark purple Long thin Asian type.
Pingtung light purple Long thin Asian type.
Hansel black Fingerling eggplant.
Gretel white Fingerling eggplant.
Fairy Tale lavender Fingerling eggplant. Purple with white stripes.

If you're interested in pre-ordering any plants please get in touch with me at least 8 weeks before you'd like delivery.

Email on the contact page.